Tune in as we share real-talk conversations between women working in CX and those influencing the CX agenda from the periphery too.

Clare Muscutt talks with Sonia Etxebarria about the importance of understanding users in experience design.
“It's true that one of the biggest fears is when you decide that you want to do things differently, you don't want to be in a system where you're stuck to two walls, especially when you become freelance and you say, from now on, I just depend on myself.”

Clare Muscutt talks with Chelsea Costelloe about Caribbean CX and dispelling customer journey mapping myths.
“I definitely faced a lot of that perception around, ‘oh, this is a young girl coming into the office to tell us what's wrong with our customer experience or how to fix it’.”

Clare Muscutt talks with Naima Mwina Mwawasi about breaking gender stereotypes, divorce and CX in Kenya.
“I was supposed to move back to Kenya and just be a housewife, you know, and that was basically it, that was the condition.”

Clare Muscutt talks with Thirza Schaap about working motherhood and building sustainable CX culture.
“Is there a CX strategy? Do your people understand it and know how they can contribute?”