Tune in as we share real-talk conversations between women working in CX and those influencing the CX agenda from the periphery too.

Clare Muscutt talks with Serena Riley about challenging gender bias for the future generation of women leaders.

Clare Muscutt talks with Serena Riley about challenging gender bias for the future generation of women leaders.

“I was always waiting for other people to tell me when I was ready to move up but when I realised that I could take the reins and be the person I wanted to be, everything changed for me.”

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Clare Muscutt hosts Amanda Riches as she shares her inspiring story from inside and outside CX.

Clare Muscutt hosts Amanda Riches as she shares her inspiring story from inside and outside CX.

“But interestingly, the main negativity that I remember was from the HR leadership. And I think these days, people in people and culture functions and HR, they’re the leading the way in that diversity and inclusion, but at that point, we were seen a bit of a problem – only by a small minority in the HR leadership – but still a problem.

And there was actually kind of sentiments of how would female colleagues feel working with us, being in the same room as us? You know, those sorts of things… and that sort of stereotype that if you’re gay, you’re a predator or whatever.”

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Clare Muscutt talks with Ingrid Lindberg talking about her journey to becoming the World's first CXO.

Clare Muscutt talks with Ingrid Lindberg talking about her journey to becoming the World's first CXO.

“I was 35 and I had a big job and there was one other senior woman at the company. And the CEO had said, you should get to know the senior woman. She's, you know, 30 years older than you are. You're very young. Another one of those you're very young for your big job. And I'll never forget. I walked up to her. We were at a board meeting. So we were, you know, at some fancy resort, you know, whatever, with all of our executives, from all the other companies who sat on our board of directors. And I walked up to this woman and I said, hi, you know, I know I've worked here only for six months.”

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Clare Muscutt talks with Janelle Mansfield about the pros and cons of being an alpha-female in CX.
Clare Muscutt Clare Muscutt

Clare Muscutt talks with Janelle Mansfield about the pros and cons of being an alpha-female in CX.

“And the feedback that I got was that I was a bully. And I was because I had come from spending three years working with this military organisation where it was all about efficiency and just communicating quickly and just getting to the point. And I brought that forward thinking that that was the right way to communicate. And so I had done this three-60 after I'd been with this new company for about a year. And there was some feedback that I was a bully on, on that three 60. And that was really difficult to hear. It was it was nothing I had expected. It really blew my mind. I had no idea that I was making people feel unvalued or disrespected or that I was hurting people. I was hurting colleagues or I was hurting some people on my team with my communication and leadership style.“

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