Tune in as we share real-talk conversations between women working in CX and those influencing the CX agenda from the periphery too.

Clare Muscutt chats to Katie Stabler about women supporting women and influencing the CX agenda.
Careers, Women Supporting Women Clare Muscutt Careers, Women Supporting Women Clare Muscutt

Clare Muscutt chats to Katie Stabler about women supporting women and influencing the CX agenda.

“I think you explain it really well. I personally can see why I took that difficult year so hard because, just like yourself, I’d been privileged to be in positions where people had massively advocated for me: when I worked for the debt collection company, I was on what they called the ‘One to Watch’ list, which is an amazing feeling. And I wasn’t there just by accident – it was down to what I’d done and how I acted there – but it was absolutely also through the support of my senior leader.’

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