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Digital & Customer Experience Transformation
“When anything and everything is at the end of your fingertips, and the need for transformation is something most agree with, why is it that McKinsey still reports that 70% of transformation programs continue to fail?”
A Women in CX Guide to Customer Experience and the Metaverse
This guide is a companion piece to the Inspiring Women in CX podcast episode, The Future of Web3, CX and the Metaverse.
Below you’ll find the most important key words and terms to help you make sense of the next generation internet and the immersive virtual worlds that we call the metaverse.
So, what exactly is the metaverse?……
A Story of Hope
Turning your back on a profession that you thought was yours for life and where you’ve worked your way to the top can be tough. BUT there are always transferable skills, and you may just land in your dream profession (like I have!) by exploring your passions and rediverting/tweaking your skills. You don’t have to start from scratch.
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