Tune in as we share real-talk conversations between women working in CX and those influencing the CX agenda from the periphery too.

Clare Muscutt talks with Claire-Boscq-Scott about CX and overcoming adversity to succeed.

Clare Muscutt talks with Claire-Boscq-Scott about CX and overcoming adversity to succeed.

“I think we all come to a point where something happens and you have to say no, enough is enough is enough. I will not take it anymore. So the time for me was about 11 years ago, I was getting divorced and I was working stupid hours in a hotel. My two children were six and 10 so tiny little tots still then. They needed their mum. I had an Au Pair at home looking after them because I was doing crazy hours. I was tired. I was stressed. I was under the pressure from every side and I could see myself going down and down and down and I thought, no, this is it enough is enough. I can't, I can't do it anymore. If I carry on like that, I'm the one who is going to be ill. Who's going to look after my children? And this wasn't the way I wanted it”

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Episode #001 Rebecca Brown talking about work-life balance and building a happiness-centred career
Customer Experience, Work-life balance Clare Muscutt Customer Experience, Work-life balance Clare Muscutt

Episode #001 Rebecca Brown talking about work-life balance and building a happiness-centred career

Host Clare Muscutt and Guest Rebecca Brown discuss what it means to create a happiness centred career. Covering topics including personal values, beating imposter syndrome, the perils of the gender pay gap, the desire for motherhood, living life on your own terms, the challenges of being a visible woman on social media and the power of sisterhood.

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