Inspiring Women in CX Awards

Announcing the inaugural Inspiring Women in CX Awards
It’s time to recognise and celebrate the achievements of women in CX and Technology!
Ready to recognise the inspiring women working in CX and Technology?
This industry is full of awesome women, but it’s not often enough that we see them being recognised for their incredible achievements.
That’s why we decided to launch the world’s first awards programme dedicated entirely to celebrating women in Customer Experience and Technology.

These awards are based on our community values.
Our Award Categories
In recognition of the women who value collaboration over competition and bring people together to achieve great things. This woman knows it’s not about taking the spotlight but winning as a team. She inspires by creating opportunities for others and lights up the people around her to work together toward a common cause, whether that be within her own organisation, the community or beyond…
In recognition of women who champion intersectional diversity, equity, and inclusion. This woman thinks beyond the boundaries of her own identity and advocates for the rights of the marginalised. This woman inspires through activism, going beyond lip service to take action to create a better world, whether that be within her own organisation, the community or beyond…
In recognition of the women who dare to be themselves, and in so doing, open doors for others to show up as themselves too. This woman inspires through her honesty, vulnerability, openness, and acceptance and encouragement of others. This woman is a role model for leadership, whether that be within her own organisation, the community or beyond…
In recognition of the women who have climbed the highest mountains or overcome the most difficulty to be where they are today. This woman inspires by navigating challenges with a focus on resilience, positivity, and personal growth. This woman is a warrior and deserves to be celebrated, whether that be within her own organisation, the community or beyond…
This award recognises women in the pipeline of up-and-coming industry talent who are set for a bright future ahead. This woman inspires by role modelling the Women in CX values of courage, collaboration, inclusivity, and authenticity and is taking bold steps to shape her
This award recognises women at the forefront of leading customer experience and technology. This woman inspires by role modelling the Women in CX values of courage, collaboration, inclusivity, and authenticity and is highly influential on her organisation, the people she works with and the wider community. This woman has demonstrated a tangible impact on business performance through the CX initiatives she has led and is undoubtedly paving the way for others to succeed through her commitment to the development of others.

Let’s recognise and celebrate the incredible women in our industry.
Award FAQs
Anyone, whether a member of the Women in CX community or not, can nominate either themselves or another woman for an award.
To nominate yourself or another woman, simply complete the Awards Nomination Form on our website.
You will be required to submit a minimum 250-word statement about why the nominee should win the award including specific examples of situations, activities, and outcomes that meet the eligibility criteria of the category.
Nominations close on Friday the 22nd of September.
All nominees will be notified by email and receive an ‘I was nominated for the Inspiring Women in CX Awards’ badge.
Finalists will be announced on 26th September, receive a ‘Finalists’ badge and will be contacted for further information to support their nomination.
Judging will take place on the 3rd of October with an esteemed panel of judges including Ian Golding, Clare Muscutt, Veronica Owusu, Diane Magers, Sandra Thompson, and John Sills.
Winners will be announced LIVE at the Women in CX Conference awards ceremony on the 10th of October.
Inspiring Women in CX award winners will receive an engraved trophy, promotional badges, the opportunity to appear on the Inspiring Women in CX podcast with Women in CX Founder, Clare Muscutt, and opportunities to be featured in a number of other profile-raising activities.
The Inspiring Women in CX Awards are open to recognise anyone who identifies as a woman and who works in and around the field of CX and Technology.
Nominees do not have to be paid members of the Women in CX community, however, as the awards ceremony will be held in person in London, at the Global Gathering Conference on the 10th of October, winners will be expected to attend the prize-giving ceremony to receive their award.