Tune in as we share real-talk conversations between women working in CX and those influencing the CX agenda from the periphery too.

Clare Muscutt talks with Claire-Boscq-Scott about CX and overcoming adversity to succeed.

Clare Muscutt talks with Claire-Boscq-Scott about CX and overcoming adversity to succeed.

“I think we all come to a point where something happens and you have to say no, enough is enough is enough. I will not take it anymore. So the time for me was about 11 years ago, I was getting divorced and I was working stupid hours in a hotel. My two children were six and 10 so tiny little tots still then. They needed their mum. I had an Au Pair at home looking after them because I was doing crazy hours. I was tired. I was stressed. I was under the pressure from every side and I could see myself going down and down and down and I thought, no, this is it enough is enough. I can't, I can't do it anymore. If I carry on like that, I'm the one who is going to be ill. Who's going to look after my children? And this wasn't the way I wanted it”

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